YAMASHITA Kiyomi 山下清海
Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba , Tsukuba, JAPAN
筑波大学 名誉教授

1951 born in Fukuoka City, in Japan. (福岡市)
1975 Bachelor’s Degree, Tokyo University of Education(東京教育大学)
1975-1982 Graduate School, Univerity ofTsukuba(筑波大学)
1978-1980 Study abroad at Department of Geography, Nanyang University(南洋大学), Singapore
1982 Doctor of Science, University of Tsukuba
1982-1983 Assistant, University of Tsukuba
1983-1997 Lecture, Associate Professor, Professor, Akita University(秋田大学)
1994-1995 Visiting scholar, Asian American Studies, University of California, Berkeley
1997-2004 Professor, Toyo Univerity(東洋大学)
2010-2011 President, The Japan Society for the Studies of Chinese Overseas
2004-2017 Professor, Univerity of Tsukuba
2017-2022 Professor, Rissho Univerity (立正大学)
2006 The Association of Japanese Geographers Award for Excellence
2012 Japan Association on Geographical Space Academic Award
2013 The Association of Japanese Geographers Award
2017 The Human Geographical Society of Japan Award
2022 Japan Association on Geographical Space Special Award
Major Writings
(E): English (C): Chinese (J): Japanese
Yamashita, K. 2021.Yokohama Chinatown: Geogrphy and history of Japan’s World-class Chinatown. Chikuma Shobo, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. 2021. Chinese enclaves: Formation of new Chinatowns by Chinese newcomers. In Ethnic enclaves in contemporary Japan. ed. ISHIKAWA, Yoshitaka, Springer, Singapore. (E)
Yamashita, K. 2020. Requirements for Utilizing Ethnic Resources in Japan’s Regional Revitalization : From Case Studies of the Problems of Conceptual Chinatowns and the Practical Examples of Yokohama Chinatown. Journal of Geospace,13(3),253-269.(J)
Yamashita, K. 2019. The development and transformation of Chinatowns in Johannesburg, South Africa : A comparative study of old and new Chinatowns. Journal of Geo-environmental Study, 21,63-74. (J)
Yamashita, K. 2019. Formation and transformation of Chinatowns in the world : Exploration of Chinese community through fieldwork.Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. 2016. New Chinatowns : Transformation of Chinese communities around the world. Kodansha, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. ed. 2016. Imigrant ethnic groups and host society in the world and Japan : Ethnic conflict studies for multi-culturalization of Japanese society. Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. ed. 2014. Hometowns of overseas Chinese after reform and open policy : Transformation of the birthplace of old and new ethnic Chinese in Japan. Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. 2013. A Comparative study of Chinatowns around the world: Focusing on the increase in new Chinese immigrants and formation of new Chinatowns. Japanese Journal of Human Geography, 65(6),527-544. (E)
Yamashita,K. 2013. Ikebukuro Chinatown in Tokyo: The first “new Chinatown” in Japan. In “Chinatowns around the world: Gilled ghetto, ethnopolis, and cultural diaspora”, eds. Wong, Bernard P. and Tan Chee-Beng, 247-262, Brill, Leiden. (E)
※中国語翻訳版 王保華・陳志明編(2019):『唐人街 鍍金的避難所,民族城邦和全球文化流散地』華東師範大学出版社.
山下清海:東京的池袋唐人街:日本的第一個“新式唐人街”.362-382. (C)
Yamashita, K. ed. 2011. Exploring modern ethnic society : From theory to the field. Gakubunsha, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. 2010. Ikebukuro Chinatown : Get closer to the real image of the largest Chinatown in Tokyo. Yosensha, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. ed. 2008. Ethnic world : Ethnic society of the world and Japan. Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. ed. 2005. A book on understanding Chinese society : History, society, and culture of the Chinese network that extends from China to the world. Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. 2003. Formation and development of Chinatown in Japan: Chinatowns as tourist spots in Yokohama, Kobe and Nagasaki. Geographical Review of Japan, 76(12), 910-923. (E)
Yamashita, K. 2002. Southeast Asian Chinese society and overseas Chinese : Human geographical consideration of Chinese and Chinatown. Kokon Shoin, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. 2000. Chinatowns : Worldwide Chinese network. Maruzen, Tokyo. (J)
山下清海. 1999. 日本唐人街之観光地区化的進展.陳鴻瑜主編『邁向21世紀海外華人市民社会之変遷與発展』中華民国海外華人研究学会,台北,73-85. (C)
山下清海. 1996. 趨向観光地区化的日本唐人街.蕭効欽・李定国編『世界華僑華人経済研究』汕頭大学出版社,114-119. (C)
山下清海. 1992. 新加坡華人方言集団居住型態的形成及変化.汶萊客属公会三十週年紀念特刊( Brunei ),134-141.(C)
Yamashita, K. 1988. Chinese community in Singapore. Taimeido, Tokyo.(J)
Yamashita, K. 1987. Breakdown of the residential segregation of dialect groups in Singapore. Science Report Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Sect.A, 8, 129-146. (E)
Yamashita, K. 1987. Chinatowns in Southeast Asia. Kokon Shoin, Tokyo. (J)
Yamashita, K. 1986. The residential segregation of Chinese dialect groups in Singapore: with focus of the period before ca.1970. Geographical Review of Japan, Ser.B, 59, 83-102. (E)